Grab and Go Menu for Pickup only Available 5/7-5/11

This week we have a great selection for our Grab and Go now available at our Farmington and Berwick (Bad Wolfe Butcher) Location.  Saturday is 20% off all items inside.  Berwick has a 20% off sale on Fridays.  Below is the menu.  We may have other items that are not listed depending on availability.

Rattlesnake Pasta
Caprese Chicken
Chicken Tortilla Casserole
Asian Quinoa Bowl with Orange Sesame Vinaigrette
Baked Haddock and Shrimp Casserole with Lobster Sauce
Bourbon and Brown Sugar Grilled Steak Tips with sides
Grilled Vegetable Medley
Yukon Truffle Mashed Potato
Chicken Broccoli Alfredo

Desserts: German chocolate cake, baked fudge, oreo bars, gourmet rice crispy treats, raspberry cheesecake bars



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