Cooking/Reheating Instructions

Current Menu

August 30

tip: Leave your food on the counter for 15-30 minutes before reheating. disclaimer: the plastic cont...

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August 22

Disclaimer:  the plastic containers are not oven proof Tip: leave your food on the counter 15-30 mi...

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August 15

disclaimer: the plastic containers are not oven proof tip: leave your food on the counter for 15-30 ...

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August 9

disclaimer: the plastic containers are not oven proof tip: leave your food on the counter for 15-30 ...

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August 1

Disclaimer: the plastic food containers are not oven proof. Tip: leave your food on the counter for ...

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July 25

Disclaimer: none of the plastic containers are ovenproof Tip: leave your proteins on the counter for...

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July 18

Disclaimer: the plastic containers are not oven proof tip: leave your food on the counter for 15-30 ...

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July 11

disclaimer: the plastic containers are not oven proof tip: leave your food on the counter for 15-30 ...

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